November 25, 2008

The things that keep me going.....

spontaneous 'I love yous' from my daughter

love notes written on the bathroom mirror

text messages telling me how much I'm missed

finding a new book from my favourite author

knowing I found the perfect gift for someone

a teen giving his seat to an old woman on the bus

a genuine 'have a good day' from a clerk

a hot cup of tea on a cold morning

a rainbow on a rainy, cloudy day

November 24, 2008

Let's all look the other way?!?!

Why isn't anyone else as frightened about this as I am? Why aren't we all up in arms demanding changes be made NOW? Read this and tell you aren't the lest bit concerned, not even a little...
State of the Planet in Graphics - BBC World News

I've been watching a lot of Rick Mercer and George Stroumboulopoulos and they both have asked this question of their viewers...Dr. David Suzuki was on with George recently and he asked the same thing. Why? Are we all hoping it will fix itself? or that 'someone' will come up with the answer to 'it all'?
One Million Acts of Green - George Stroumboulopoulos

David Susuki's Nature Challenge

Spread the

Maybe this is why we all love comic book heros so much - it would be lovely to believe there was 'someone' with amazing super powers 'who could sweep down and save humanity from itself' - Nice thought, very comforting and it would certainly let us all of the hook.

Reality is very different however, and no matter how many stars or TV shows tell us 'we' need to help fix things no one I know seems to really care. I've asked, I've sent out this repeort and 3 others exactly like it to all my friends asking - "what can we do?" I only 2 replies...both of whom said - gee this is very interesting, thanks....didn't read the whole thing, no time, but you're right 'someone should do something'.

If it weren't for the fact that I have a child who is already planning on having children of her own one day - I might not care either....but I do. I am trying to do my part, but it's hard to keep going when your neighbours so obviously don't give a crap.

November 20, 2008

Tales of Horror - Dating and the Single Mom.....

Many of my friends are single moms, and many of my male friends are so naturally I get asked "what are the 'rules' for dating a single mom?". Why they think I know the answer I haven't a clue - my dating life has been one disaster after another, and sex is...well usually unattainable - unfortunately. After being asked one time to many I decided to write up some 'rules' and send them out for discussion - we (the single moms) decided that this is as close as it gets to the truth of it - a bit blunt and maybe too honest, but still.....

MYTH - All single moms want a 'new' daddy. Nope- many of us have NO desire to go that route again without very careful consideration..All most of us want is a casual … 'relationship' with someone who is too busy for anything full-time – there's no need romance, we haven't the time for ooyee-gooey crap, and we don't expect dinner out every freaking night. (Sounds great right? Apparently I'm wrong)

TIME - A single mother HAS to arrange a babysitter and needs a bit of notice before going out! More than 3 days at least!

MONEY -Why is it difficult to understand that we are…well…of little income – hello? SINGLE MOM – so no we can't afford to go to Cin Cin or Joe Fortes – not my fault, 60% of single mothers live near or below the poverty line –get over it.

GOLDEN RULE- My daughter lives with me, so no you can't come over afterwards- sorry. Tried it – disastrous.

OBVIOUS - We can't drink martinis all night – not even on Friday – we need to get up with our child / children at 7:30 am on Saturday morning, whether we want to or not – and if we are sleeping over we still have to go home at some point, hangovers are a luxury our child/children can't afford!

ATTACHMENT- Kids get attached to people, especially ones who make mommy happy. To keep said child safe from a broken heart after their new 'friend' is gone please understand that we have no intention of introducing said 'guy' to our child/children unless we feel strongly about him AFTER a period of 6 months.

PRIORITIES- Our children come first. In the middle of a date, in the middle of the night, it doesn't matter. We will leave you to go to them. Might not be fair, but that's the way it is - and would you respect us as mothers if it were any other way? As I had to say to one date - "Duh, she's my baby, not 'ours'- mine...of course she's first!!"