July 6, 2012

Gee I'm just a girl, so please walk all over me...

Why? Why? Why? Does it have to be this way?!  I am so sick of men (of certain ethnic origins) talking down to me, ignoring me, treating me like I'm the one being unreasonable - just because I have tits.  If you move to Canada please understand that while some women suck at being assertive, ALL women here have the same rights as a man.  That includes the right to stand up for themselves!!

My landlord is an ass.  He let smokers move in downstairs - AGAIN.  They have just moved yet another male in the house who smokes.  I went down there a few minutes ago to ask him to take his cigarette to the alley as per the landlords rules.  He seemed to think I was being a hysterical female (his English isn't great) and started to yell at me.  At that moment the Landlord came by & spoke to the guy, reiterating that he told the wife the rules....They guy pushed & pushed, but the landlord remained firm, smoke all you want IN THE ALLEY, but he agreed that I am a 'troublemaker'.

REALLY?! You dumb fuck, we both know that if I were a man there would NEVER had been any issues at all with my insistence about this...I can tell by the looks and slight sneer that it's all because I have tits and am therefore incapable of asserting the rules. 

I hate to say this, I really do...but if you don't like strong women - MOVE BACK TO YOUR OWN DAMN COUNTRY!  I am not going to cringe & whine just because you think I should!

June 4, 2012

Bullies....why do you bother?

"Sexual harassment in the world of video gaming

Although I am not surprised by the findings of this article, the statistics nor the proof (via Fat, Ugly or Slutty website) I am surprised that men still feel justified in acting this way, and that they are angry/surprised/defensive when called upon it.  When did it become permissible to use 'freedom of speech' as an excuse/reason to bully, sexually harass, sexually intimidate and spread hatred?  In the 60's one of the things youth revolted against was restrictions, discrimination and social unbalance posed upon them by society.  I doubt that those at Woodstock foresaw that their fight for freedom of speech, living and acceptance would lead to such behaviour. 
According to Wiki: Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. It can include verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability
 There are many psychological  reasons a person becomes a bully...

Jaana Juvonen, a UCLA professor of developmental psychology whose decade of groundbreaking research on mean kids and their hapless victims is changing the way parents and schools think about bullying.
2012 Cyber Bullying Tactics Posted by Dr. Michael Nuccitelli As a forensic psychologist with expertise in theoretical criminology and abnormal psychology, this writer has formulated a psychological, and criminological construct for the growing dimension known as cyberspace.

I was bullyed as a child, I in turn bullied my little brother.  Having been on both sides of the fence I can tell you that being bullied and being a bully is a sad, miserable way to live your life. You are in a constant state of anger, vengence, guilt, and justification.  In other words - it sucks....

May 1, 2012

Helping comeuppance along....

The aforementioned weasel who definitely needs his comeuppance is going to pay.  The suite downstairs was in his roommates name as the dick doesn't have a job and hasn't any references. He and said roommate where going to be evicted because he kept smoking in the house.  Well this depressed him so much that he went on a binge and drank the rent.  Somehow this self-appointed 'Life Coach' (I kid you not) convinced her to take out TWO payday loans so that they could afford to move... They left in the middle of the month, in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day.

Since then we have been getting all sorts of bills, past notices and several 'Intent to Sue' notices as well.  Needless to say they did not give the landlord a forwarding address.  So being the upright and helpful citizen that I am, I took it upon myself to put all the information I could gather on said notices...His facebook page, his 'business name', his phone number & e-mail address.  He has since deleted his facebook page, but is now on LinkedIn.  So today when I saw yet another Intent to Sue, I called the Pay Day Loan place and gave them his name as her roommate and his LinkedIn addy...

Sometimes comeuppance needs a little help.....Muhahahahahaha

April 24, 2012

“You know nasty little men like you always get their comeuppance.” - The Mummy

There are many sayings and old wives tales about Lady Fate, Karma or cosmic justice. From Aesop’s fables to local legends there are tales of letting it play itself out. When I was younger the thought that I would be punished later on in life for wrongdoings done at the time seemed ridiculous. Of course looking back we can always see the patterns, and though I feel that many ascribe meaning or justification to events that really have none, there have been a few moments in my life when I know I am getting bitten in the ass by Fate and rightly so. 

Much to my smug satisfaction there have also been times when those who have wronged me or mine have paid for it in spectacular ways. Most likely, and for the sake of Karma, I should feel badly for those people, but I don’t and faking seems worse than a lie.   

How are these cosmic scales balanced? I have no idea, nor would I presume to answer.  It’s hard to wait for cosmic justice, for Fate to finally hand someone their head. The desire to actively seek out retribution is a strong one, but I have found that Karma deals out punishments far nastier than I could imagine to those whom deserve it.   

Obviously I am writing this because I badly wish to give some douche his well deserved kick. So I wait. Consoled by the fact that the bullies who made my childhood unbearable, live small pointless lives as drones in corporate hell; my ex, who cheated on me and brought said whore to my birthday party, ended up losing his job, his apartment and his jeep; and that a few of the angry bitter hateful women, you know the ones who work in offices everywhere, have been laid-off or fired.  

And now I wait for the douche that lived downstairs, smoked in the house, swore at my daughter and tried to turn the landlord against my family to get his.  Thankfully he was kicked out, but the fear he put in my little girl… It’s hard to wait.