April 24, 2012

“You know nasty little men like you always get their comeuppance.” - The Mummy

There are many sayings and old wives tales about Lady Fate, Karma or cosmic justice. From Aesop’s fables to local legends there are tales of letting it play itself out. When I was younger the thought that I would be punished later on in life for wrongdoings done at the time seemed ridiculous. Of course looking back we can always see the patterns, and though I feel that many ascribe meaning or justification to events that really have none, there have been a few moments in my life when I know I am getting bitten in the ass by Fate and rightly so. 

Much to my smug satisfaction there have also been times when those who have wronged me or mine have paid for it in spectacular ways. Most likely, and for the sake of Karma, I should feel badly for those people, but I don’t and faking seems worse than a lie.   

How are these cosmic scales balanced? I have no idea, nor would I presume to answer.  It’s hard to wait for cosmic justice, for Fate to finally hand someone their head. The desire to actively seek out retribution is a strong one, but I have found that Karma deals out punishments far nastier than I could imagine to those whom deserve it.   

Obviously I am writing this because I badly wish to give some douche his well deserved kick. So I wait. Consoled by the fact that the bullies who made my childhood unbearable, live small pointless lives as drones in corporate hell; my ex, who cheated on me and brought said whore to my birthday party, ended up losing his job, his apartment and his jeep; and that a few of the angry bitter hateful women, you know the ones who work in offices everywhere, have been laid-off or fired.  

And now I wait for the douche that lived downstairs, smoked in the house, swore at my daughter and tried to turn the landlord against my family to get his.  Thankfully he was kicked out, but the fear he put in my little girl… It’s hard to wait.   

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